Affaire Madoff: fraude de 50 milliards $$

12/15/2008 at 10:15 1 commentaire

Comme si la situation actuelle sur Wall Street avait besoin de ce genre de nouvelle…. Une des personnes les plus en vue dans le monde financier américain, Bernard Madoff, a mis sur pieds et a opéré pendant plusieurs années un système de type « Chaîne de Ponzi ».
Comment ça fonctionne? Eh bien, vous vous présentez chez moi, par exemple, avec un million de dollars à investir. Je vous garantis un rendement de 10% par année (vous me faites confiance pcq je suis un expert en placement ayant une bonne réputation) malgré que le marché ne vous offre que 3-4% de rendement. Je finance le 10% que je vous ai promis avec l’argent de tous les autres clients à qui j’ai fait la même promesse. L’argent ainsi versé provient toujours des nouveaux arrivés. La journée que la source s’épuise parce que les investisseurs commencent à douter, là le système s’écroule.

Des exemples: la ville de Fairfield, dans le Connecticut, avait placé chez Bernard Madoff 15% des fonds de pensions de ses retraités. Le fond d’investissements Fairfield Greenwich Group était engagé pour environ 7,5 milliards de dollars. La BNP Paribas (France) a admis être «exposé à un risque» indirect, suite à la fraude à grande échelle reconnue par l’ancien patron du Nasdaq Bernard Madoff aux États-Unis, et a évalué sa perte potentielle à 582 M$. Et ainsi de suite.

Nous découvrirons l’ampleur de cette fraude dans les prochaines semaines. Espérons qu’ici, nos grands financiers n’auront pas eu le génie d’effectuer des placements chez monsieur Madoff!!

Entry filed under: Non classé.

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  • 1. Jean-François Roy  |  12/15/2008 à 10:18

    Voici une liste préliminaire de clients prévoyant des pertes dans cette arnaque (en anglais, tiré du Globe & Mail):

    Investors around the world have scrambled since Friday to assess potential losses from an alleged $50-billion (U.S.) fraud by Bernard Madoff, the prominent Wall Street trader arrested last week.

    Following are some of the firms exposed.

    * HSBC HOLDINGS PLC has potential exposure of about $1.5-billion, the Financial Times reported, citing unnamed people close to the situation. The exposure is from loans it provided to institutional clients, mainly hedge funds of funds, that wanted to invest with Mr. Madoff, the FT reported.

    * GRUPO SANTANDER SA – Spain’s largest bank said its investment fund Optimal has a €2.33-billion exposure to Madoff Securities.

    * MAN GROUP PLC said it is exposed through RMF, its institutional fund of funds business, which has approximately $360-million invested in two funds that are directly or indirectly sub-advised by Madoff Securities.

    * BBVA – Spain’s second-largest bank said its international operation has about €30-million exposure to Madoff, and it sees a maximum potential loss from Madoff-linked investments of €300-million.

    * ASCOT PARTNERS LLC – According to a Wall Street Journal report, the fund where former GMAC chairman Jacob Ezra Merkin is a money manager has an exposure of $1.8-billion.

    * ACCESS INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS – According to a report by Bloomberg, Access has an exposure of $1.4-billion.

    * AXA SA – Said it has negligible exposure to Madoff, well below €100-million.

    * BARCLAYS – Any exposure for British bank Barclays Plc to Madoff would be “minimal“, a person familiar with the matter said, but Barclays declined to comment.

    * UNION BANCAIRE PRIVEE – Swiss bank that invests in funds of hedge funds has lost about 1-billion francs, according to Le Temps, citing unnamed banking sources.

    * ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP PLC said it had exposure through trading and collateralised lending to funds of hedge funds invested with Madoff, with a potential loss of around £400-million.

    * NATIXIS said it could have a €450-million indirect exposure to Madoff.

    * BNP PARIBAS – France’s largest listed bank said it has a potential €350-million exposure.

    * REICHMUTH & CO – Swiss private bank said its fund of funds Reichmuth Matterhorn had an exposure to investments linked to Madoff that amounted to about $325-million.

    * NOMURA HOLDINGS said it had a 27.5-billion exposure related to Madoff, but the impact on its capital would be limited.

    * UNICREDIT SpA – Italy’s second-biggest bank said its own exposure is around €75-million, while in its Pioneer Investments unit, some funds “are exposed to Madoff indirectly through feeder funds.”

    * SOCIETE GENERALE said its exposure is negligible, below €10-million.

    * MAXAM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC – The fund has lost about $280-million on funds invested with Madoff, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

    * EIM GROUP – Le Temps reported that EIM Group, a fund of hedge funds, said it has a $230-million exposure.

    * FAIRFIELD SENTRY LTD – The $7.3-billion hedge fund run by Walter Noel’s Fairfield Greenwich Group had accounts with Madoff Investment Securities.

    * KINGATE GLOBAL FUND LTD – The $2.8-billion hedge fund run by Kingate Management Ltd. had invested in Madoff Investment Securities.

    * UBS – The investment bank unit of the Swiss financial group has a limited and insignificant counterparty exposure, its spokesman told Reuters.

    * BENEDICT HENTSCH – The Swiss private bank said its exposure to products linked to Madoff amounted to 56-million francs, or less than 5 per cent of assets under management.

    * BRAMDEAN ALTERNATIVES LTD – The UK asset manager, headed by well-known fund manager Nicola Horlick, said almost 10 per cent of its holdings were exposed to Madoff. Bramdean said it had two holdings that maintain trading accounts with Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities that represented 9.5 percent of its net asset value at end-October.

    * BANESTO said it has insignificant exposure, but declined to disclose the size of exposure.


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